Project SIS API
Table of Contents
On this page, we will document information that we have regarding the SIS API that is available. If you find an interesting command or way of using the API, please post on Piazza so we can add it to this working document.
The SIS API is a RESTful web API that returns a JSON object based upon parameters passed to the URL. Projects will need to dynamically build URLs as needed to request appropriate JSON objects that can then be parsed by the project. One way to do this would be to use the requests
and json
libraries built into Python to make web calls. There are numerous tutorials available on the web to help you with this. There are also other third-party packages you could import, but these are not necessarily something we can offer any support for.
Common Query URLs
Finding All Department Mnemonics
Replace 1228 with the appropriate term. The formula is “1” + [2 digit year] + [2 for Spring, 8 for Fall]. So, 1228 is Fall 2022.
Finding All Courses from a Department
Replace 1228 with the appropriate term. The formula is “1” + [2 digit year] + [2 for Spring, 8 for Fall]. So, 1228 is Fall 2022. Replace CS with the desired subject. Note that many departments with lots of classes will have multiple pages and you will have to go through all of them.
Finding All Courses by Instructor
Replace 1228 with the appropriate term. The formula is “1” + [2 digit year] + [2 for Spring, 8 for Fall]. So, 1228 is Fall 2022. Replace Horton with another name.
Build Your Own URL
Base URL
As you can see from the examples above, you can add on additional flags using the format &flag_name=search_value
- term=
- date_from=
- date_thru=
- subject=
- subject_like=
- catalog_nbr=
- time_range=
- days=
- campus=
- location=
- x_acad_career=
- acad_group=
- rqmnt_designtn=
- instruction_mode=
- keyword=
- class_nbr=
- acad_org=
- enrl_stat=
- crse_attr=
- crse_attr_value=
- instructor_name=
- session_code=
- units=
- page=1
For examples of the data, here is the URL to get Prof. Horton’s 2:00 section of CS 3240:
Demo done in class
On Tue., Feb. 28, we did a demonstration in class using Python to retrieve and print data about courses using this API. This used the Requests libarary to retrieve data from the server and cover the JSON to a Python dictionary. Here is part of that code from that program. This code processes a list of courses, retrieving data about each one, then printing some of the “fields” for that course.
clist = [('MATH','3100'), ('PSYC','2150'), ('STAT','2120')]
url = ''
for c in clist:
r = requests.get(url + '&subject=' + c[0] + '&catalog_nbr=' + c[1])
for c in r.json():
print(c['subject'], c['catalog_nbr'] + '-' + c['class_section'], c['component'], c['descr'], \
c['class_nbr'], c['class_capacity'], c['enrollment_available'])
Reminder: as shown in lecture, using Firefox to view the JSON returned by calls to the API is very nice, in that it shows both the raw JSON and a cleaner view where you can expand nested components.